No. 8, Afarin Aly, Alvand St, Argentina Sq, Tehran, Iran
FAMILA is one of the main food brands with various products have been marketed by the name of this brand and are of particular popularity. More, providing the consumers with first class products, one of the best kind of Iranian rice with unique qualitative features has been produced by this name and supplied to the market. FAMILIA Rice is an attempt for supplying the best Iranian rice for relation of Iranian families with flavor and taste of an Iranian unique rice.
By social changes in the human life, all people like purchasing and consuming the best and more economic commodities. Food is accurately in this place where favorite taste and flavor is important for Iranian woman. The result of thinking for Brand “AZUGHEH” includes high variety of types of Iranian rice together with a satisfactory and economic purchase.
Kitchen is the safe coast of a house. It is a place where is beating heart of the house mixing with the pleasure of cooking the genius Persian food. SAHEL Rice is a key for entering to the ancient world of Iranian traditions and creation of its colorful tables. It has been produced from the most desirable rice fields of Gilan benefiting from high cooking and pleasant Iranian flavor and taste.